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  Aztec Anorak Convention    

.mp3 of the week Frame Fans Unite:

• Just when people began to wonder if they were the only Aztec Camera fans on the planet, nearly one hundred of them got together in London on March 18, 2000 to talk shop. Browse the Aztec Anorak convention image gallery, listen to live recordings of Frame fan cover bands and be sure to check out the video clips, too.


Audio How Rare is Rare?:

• You consider yourself a pretty loyal fan. You tell your friends that you've got everything Roddy's ever recorded. Possibly so, but what about everything that everyone else has recorded?

While we don't claim to have everything that's ever been captured on tape, we have tapped into a large amount of it from all over the globe. Our ever-growing audio archive is a vast collection of rarities, interviews and live show clips from tv, radio and who knows where else...


Video Freeze Frame:

• All over-used photography puns aside, many fans of Roddy Frame are on a never-ending quest to find that elusive compilation containing every Aztec Camera music video ever produced. We can't really help you in that department, but we can at least direct you to our video archive which contains all officially released Roddy Frame videos plus a few bonus clips.


Articles Our Cyber-Scrapbook:

• Once upon a time you snipped every blurb about Roddy Frame from every newspaper and magazine you could find and eventually you amassed a pretty respectable collection until you packed everything up and moved. Whatever happened to it? We've got it right here. The KMS articles archive houses loads of press clippings from all over the world. Sure, some of the older ones are a little yellow around the edges, but they still make for some interesting reading!


Images Flash, Flash:

• With all the pictures Roddy's been asked to pose for in his career, it's a wonder he ever had time to write or record any new stuff. The Killermont Street image archive features some of our favorite photos ever taken throughout the years.

  For guitarists    

Guitar See Major Chords:

• Frame fans often cite him as their sole motivation to learn to play the guitar. Whether you're just a beginner or a seasoned pro, our for guitarists archive will have you strumming along with Roddy's records in no time.


Images Over My Head?:

• Question: Can you name one person who's understood every lyric Roddy's ever written? Answer: Probably not. That's why we've all put our heads together and assembled the frequently asked questions archive. We've attempted to address the most common questions about obscure references and more.

  Fan essays    

Guitar Like a Funny Film:

• We've often heard Roddy's music described as "the soundtrack for life". Like any great film, there has to be a great story. Killermont Street's fan essays Editor, Squid, put out the call to members of the mailing list to reminisce about some of their more memorable Aztec Camera moments. Can yours top the ones we've collected so far?





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